
Frauenbewegungen in der Welt Band 2 »Dritte Welt«

Frauenbewegungen in der Welt Band 2 »Dritte Welt«
  • (* Zuerst erschienen in: Südafrika. Geschichte, Wirtschaft, Kultur, Widerstand. Hg.: Arbeitskreis Afrika (AKAFRIK), Azania-Koordination für Projekte, Kultur und Bildung e.V. (AZAKO), informationszentrum 3. weit (iz3w); gekürzt. Bestellung: iz3w, Postfach 5328, Kronenstr.16, 7800 Freiburg.)

Lives of courage

Lives of courage

In 1987 and 1988, Diana Russell journeyed from America to the land of her birth to learn about the special role of women in the ongoing struggle against apartheid in South Africa. The fruit of her research is this extraordinary book: the firsthand accounts, in their own words, of twenty-four women activists.

Lives of courage

»I wasn't frightened because I used to tell myself that
I wouldn't be the first one to die in prison.
Also, it wasn't so different from the kind of life
we lived outside where I never knew what was going to happen
from one day to the next«.
