
William L. O'Neill, A Better World, the Great Schism: Stalinism and the American Intellectuals (New York, 1982), pp. 129, 163-69, 186-88, 259, 290


F.B.I. 61-6580-127, p. 278. On the conference see Dwight Macdonald, »Waldorf Conference« Politics (Winter 1949): 37A-D. Freda Kirchway »Battle of the Waldorf,« Nation, April 2,1949, pp. 377-78; Margaret Marshal, »Notes by the Way,« Nation, April 9, 1949, pp. 419-20; Joseph Lash, »Weekend at the Waldorf,« New Republic, April 18, 1949, pp. 10-14; William Barrett, »Culture Conference of the Waldorf,« Commentary (May 1949): 487-93


New York Post, March 16, 19, 1949; Charles A. Willoughby, Shanghai Conspiracy (New York, 1952); the secondary literature on Harold Ickes (1874- 1952), progressive politician and journalist, and secretary of the interior from 1933 to 1946, is voluminous. For a recent popular portrait see T. H. Watkins, »The Terrible-Tempered Mr. Ickes,« Audubon 86, no. 2 (March 1984): 94-111. Relevant Smedley to Ickes correspondence, dated February 25, 26, March 6, and March 28, 1949, is in Ickes papers
