
Smedley to Epstein, October 6, 1946, and to Elsie Cholmeley, October 30,1946. One of Stilwel's letters to Smedley, dated April 6,1946, was leaked to the Daily Worker and published on January 26, 1947. It was miscaptioned »Stilwell Itched to Fight in Chu Teh's Army; the letter itself says it was Zhu De who had agreed to fight under Stilwell. The whereabouts of most of the letters remains a mystery; for a few see Alley, Six Americans in China; see also Tuch-man, Stilwell, pp. 673-74


Karen Kerpen, »The Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy,« U.S.-China Review 6, no. 3 (May 1982): 23-24, and no. 4 (August 1982): 22-24. Interview with Elsie Cholmeley and Israel Epstein. See also Chen Hansheng, »In Memory of a Dear Old Friend,« China Reconstructs 33, no. 12 (December 1984): 30-32. Newsletter (China Aid Council) 7, nos. 1-8 (January-August 1945) in Smedley papers


Smedley to Israel Epstein, October 16, 1946; F.B.I. 61-6580-30 and 100-9125-65. For an example of a Stilwell letter to Smedley at about this time, see Alley, Six Americans in China, p. 197


Interview with Lao She's widow, Hu Xieqing. In Chinese, the key biographical work is Hu Xieqing, Lao She shenghuo (Hong Kong, 1980); in English, with emphasis on the American years, see Spence, Gate of Heavenly Peace, esp. p. 394
