Time, November 13,1944; White, In Search of History, pp. 209-10. See also Schaller's comments on press coverage of Stilwell's recall in chapter 8 of MacKinnon and Friesen, China Reporting
The most readable accounts of this famous episode are probably Tuchman, Stilwell, pp. 581-670, and White, In Search of History, pp. 132-79. See also Schaller, United States Crusade, for a deeper exploration of American motives
See Dick Wilson, When Tigers Fight (New York, 1982), pp. 223-46, on the military situation; Tuchman, Stilwell, and Michael Schaller, The United States Crusade in China, 1938-1945 (New York, 1979), are authoritative background works on F.D.R.'s decision
Interview with Xie Hegeng; Xie, Introduction to Liangzhong Meiguo-ren (Beijing, 1980); Smedley to Wang Yong: June 15, 1944, and three datable by context between May and July, 1944; also Wang Yong to Smedley, June 20, 1944, February 28, 1945
Interview with Katherine A. Porter; Joan Givner, Katherine Anne Porter: A Life (New York, 1982), references to the Habermans on pp. 151, 152, 157, 209, 217, and chapter 7 on the Greenwich Village and Mexico City network
F.B.I. 61-6580-332, pp. 12, 13; 100-9125-1-5 (Albany); Malcolm Cowley papers, Yaddo Box, second folder marked »1949, Yaddo - The Affair.« The name of the secretary was Mary Townsend, whose personal relations with Smedley were, needless to say, never good