
Smedley to Elviira Taylor, August 17, 1943; J. B. Powell to Elviira Taylor, November 22, 1943. The reviews appeared in New York Herald Tribune, September 5; New York Times Book Review, September 5; Newsweek, September 6, pp. 109-10; and New York Times, September 18


Wu, Sian Incident; idem, »Xi'an Incident«; on Chiang Kai-shek and the Germans, see William C. Kirby, Germany and Republican China (Stanford, 1984)


Battle Hymn, p. 135. In absentia Smedley was made a member of Lu Xun's funeral committee - the only foreigner to be so named. Later Smedley published two articles in Chinese about Lu Xun in Wenhua yuekan, no. 3 (October 27, 1939) and Wenxue 9, no. 4 (November 10, 1937), reproduced in Xinwenxue shiliao, no. 3 (1980): 125-28. Authors' interview with Mao Dun about the funeral; see also his memoir in Lu Xun huiyilu (Beijing, 1978), pp. 3-5, 257-59; and Ge, "Lu Xun."


Interview with Liu Ding. The Xi'an Incident has been much studied. The chief sources for background on the Incident are Tien-wei Wu, Sian Incident: A Pivotal Point in Modern Chinese History (Ann Arbor, 1976), pp. 1-74, and his 1984 review article, »New Materials on the Xi'an Incident,« Modern China 10, no. 1 (January 1984): 115-41. See also Lyman P. Van Slyke, Enemies and Friends: The United Front in China (Stanford, 1967), and Mi Zanchen, Yang Hucheng zhuan (Shaanxi, 1979)
