
See Fries Deutschland and other German press clippings in Smedley papers; Smedley, »What Chinese Soldiers Asked Me to Tell,« German-American, October 19,1943; F.B.I. 61-6580-6, 9 and 127, p. 163


The rise of Alfred Kohlberg is a remarkable story, told with much sympathy by Joseph Keeley in The China Lobby Man (New York, 1969). Coincidental, Kohlberg and Smedley shared an admiration for Dr. Robert K. Lin, whom Kohlberg had first met while raising funds for medical aid to China during the early 1940s


Carlson to Smedley, March 26, 1943. For a detailed discussion of the agrarian reformer idea see E. J. Kahn, Jr., The China Hands: America's Foreign Service Officers and What Befell Them (New York, 1975), pp. 112-14, and Shewmaker, American and Chinese Communists. For Freda Utley's relationship with the China Lobby and Guomindang see Ross Y. Koen, The China Lobby in American Politics (2d ed. New York, 1974)
