
In addition to Smedley articles cited in the Bibliography, see Smedley to Brundin, March 9, 1939, and to Mildred Price and Jean Chang, June 29 and July 25, 1939 (Smedley papers). Interview with Shen Jizhen.


Interview with Shen Jizhen; photo exhibit, National Military Museum, Beijing, 1978. Also Anhui Sheng Junqu, eds., Xinsijun zai Anhui, pp. 230-35, and Shen Chi-chen (Shen Jizhen), »In Memory of Agnes Smedley,« China Reconstructs (December 1960): 27-29.


Gregor Benton, »The South Anhui Incident,« Journal of Asian Studies 45, no. 4 (August 1986): 681—720, is the definitive work in English; see also Anhui Sheng Junqu, eds., Xinsijun zai Anhui (Hefei, 1982), for greater detail.


Utley, Odyssey of a Liberal, pp. 206—7; Tillman Durdin was a New York Times correspondent at the time; Jack Belden worked for United Press and is considered by many today to have been the best Asian war correspondent of his generation. For more on both men, see MacKinnon and Friesen, China Reporting.
