
Interview with Chen Hansheng, and an article in Guangming ribao, May 23, 1981, indicate that Hu Shi was behind her dismissal; see also Smedley to Sanger, January 3, April 1, 1933. Her articles appeared in New Masses and Modern Review (see Bibliography).


Interviews: Chen Hansheng; Randall Gould; Rewi Alley; inscribed copy of Daughter of Earth in Mme. Sun's Shanghai residence (information courtesy of Israel Epstein).


Malcolm Cowley in New York responded with an impressive petition drive: see »Chinese Ministers,« in Cowley papers. »Present Conditions« by Lu Xun was published in part in English in Voice of China 2, no. 6 (June 1, 1936): 6, 21; the full English text is to be found in Smedley papers, File VII—24. See also Battle Hymn, p. 84; Ge, »Lu Xun"; and interview with Mao Dun. To further publicize the League of Left Wing Writers and repression by Chiang Kai-shek, Smedley edited Short Stories from China (New York, ca. 1933), which featured the executed writers.


Smedley articles were in New Masses, Modern Review, and Frankfurter Zeitung (see Bibliography). The material on the League of Left Wing Writers is abundant: recent articles have appeared in People's Daily, April 2, 16,1980; the book compilation, Zuolian ziliao (Beijing, 1980) commemorated its fiftieth anniversary; Xinwenxue shiliao, issues for 1980, have much source material, including, in issue no. 3, articles about Smedley by Ge Baochuan.


Lu Xun riji (Beijing, 1959); indexed Smedley references begin with an entry for December 17, 1929. In Battle Hymn, Smedley misremembered her first meeting with Lu Xun, confusing it with his birthday party in September, 1930. For a detailed chronological record of the Lu Xun-Agnes Smedley relationship, see Ge Baochuan, »Lu Xun he Shimodelai di geming youyi,« Geming wenwu, no. 3 (May—June, 1976): 15 — 18; also interview with Ge Baochuan.
