
Teil B
Teil B Fortsetzg. 2

2. Der vergessene Alltag mit Frauen

»Jede Frau hat ein Verhältnis zu
anderen Frauen. Und gerade die
Ignoranz und das Leugnen eines
solchen Verhältnisses, Desinteresse,
ist Ausdruck davon.«
(HEISE 1975, S. 3)

Woman in sexist Society

Woman in sexist Society
Is Women's Liberation a Lesbian Plot?

Those threatened by or irritated with women's liberation often dismiss the movement by saying, »Oh, they're just a bunch of dykes«. The response of the women's liberation movement to this charge is vital to the feminists, the lesbians, the many who accept both identities, as well as to the life and the meaning of the movement itself.