
»Agnes Smedley and the Shanghai Die Hards«, editorial, China Weekly Review, September 19, 1931, pp. 84—85. A large file on the Noulens case collected by the Shanghai Municipal Police (British) is to be found in Army Intelligence, National Archives, Box D, file 2510. On Smedley's involvement see also F.B.I. 100—68282—1B32 (Exhibits).


Werner, Sonjas Rapport, pp. 108 — 10. For background on Ruth Kuczyn-ski see Philip Knightly, The Second Oldest Profession: Spies and Spying in the Twentieth Century (New York, 1987), pp. 194-209. Ruth Kuczynski used aliases in Shanghai and is known today as Ruth Werner. Pincher in Too Secret Too Long relied heavily upon Ruth Werner as a basis for his allegation of a relationship between Smedley and Roger Hollis, future British intelligence chief. We have found no evidence of such a relationship.


Johnson, An Instance of Treason, pp. 60—83; Kinoshita Jinji, Otto to yobareru Nihonjin (Tokyo, 1963), three acts; first performed in 1962. Reference courtesy of Eric Gangloff.


In Guangzhou (Canton) Smedley's mood was blissful despite harassment by Guomindang police, which became so intense at one point that she felt compelled to seek asylum and protection from the U.S. consul, whose chief response was to urge her to leave China. National Archives, Justice Department, RG 60, file 193424, section 2, contains a long memo on Smedley by the U.S. consul in Guangzhou; see also U.S. Treasury attache report (Shanghai) on August 10, 1931, in F.B.I. 61-6580-127, pp. 13-14. On Sorge, see Johnson, An Instance of Treason, pp. 69-70.


Today something like a »Sorge industry« exists, a quantity of books and articles produced annually about him in various languages around the world. Recent works in English are Gordon W. Prange, Target Tokyo: The Story of the Sorge Spy Ring (New York, 1984), and Chapman Pincher, Too Secret Too Long: The Great Betrayal of Britain's Crucial Secrets and the Cover-up (London, 1984). The industry is biggest in Japan.


Smedley to Sanger, February 22, March 21, June 13, July 25, August 10, October 12, November 21, December 6, 29, 1929; March 23, April 2, June 30, July 3, 1930; May 4, 6, 29, June 11, July 30, November 19, 1931; January 3, April 1, 1932.
