Smedley to Brundin, December 24, 1928; Smedley to Sanger, February 22, May 12, June 13, 1929; Smedley to Gilbert Roe, January 14, April 12, June 5, 1929 (Box H8); Battle Hymn, p. 43; Smedley to Lennon, February 8, 1929. For British intelligence, see P. C. Joshi Collection, nos. 1929-7, reports of special agent Halland; also British Shanghai police files in F.B.I. 100-68282-1B32 (Exhibits), for more fragmentary references. On Chatto's marriage to a cloistered Irishwoman, see footnote on p. 70. Smedley was also questioned by the American consulate-general in Shanghai.